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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart

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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 17:30

maelys tyrell
isn't she lovely

Nom : Tyrell, le nom de cette famille que j'aime tant. Prénom : Maelys, un prénom que j'aime beaucoup, que je trouve délicat, j'espère qu'il me sied. Âge : 31 ans, ça vieilli tout ça. date et lieu de naissance : 13 mai dans la très belle ville de Memphis. vos origines : américaines, évidemment et également allemandes. Métier : auteur et dessinatrice de livres pour enfants, et j'adore ça ! Orientation sexuelle : hétérosexuelle, j'en suis sûre depuis un bon moment maintenant. Statut matrimonial : Mère célibataire d'une merveilleuse petite princesse. côté financier : je m'en sors assez bien, je n'ai pas à me plaindre. Caractère : attentionnée + loyale + protectrice + bavarde + spontanée + possessive + intelligente + ambitieuse + tolérante + perfectionniste + généreux + un peu flemmarde parfois + modeste + simple dans ses habitudes. groupe : haut les coeurs.

the last song
maelys sait jouer du violon, un instrument qui lui a été offert par son grand-père. mas pour son côté artistique, c'est surtout le dessin qui est toute sa vie. maelys adore la crème glacée à la vanille, elle pourrait en manger constamment. maelys a eu assez peu de petits amis, deux ou trois pendant son cursus scolaire et universitaire, mais le plus important a été le père de sa fille. maelys a une relation plus que fusionnelle avec sa soeur et son frère, ils sont inséparables, quasiment triplés. elle considère d'ailleurs que c'est son rôle de grande soeur de les protéger, mais parfois peut-être un peu trop. elle a cru au grand amour, elle a cru au mariage, à la vie de famille... mais c'était avant que le père de sa fille ne l'abandonne un matin, sans explication. l'homme de sa vie n'a jamais été au courant qu'ellle était enceinte, il ne savait pas non plus qu'elle avait acheté une robe de mariée peu avant qu'il ne disparaisse dans la nature. maelys a peur des araignées et du noir ; par contre, elle adore les orages et les nuits étoilées. elle a fait des études de psychologies mais après la rencontre avec le père de sa fille, elle a prit confiance en son talent de dessinatrice et s'est lancée dans l'écriture de romans pour enfants ; c'est désormais son métier. elle est mère célibataire d'une magnifique petite princesse répondant au prénom de Violina âgée de 6 ans.

story of my life
     « Pourquoi restes-tu dans cette entreprise, Mae… » Nous sommes allongés, dans le grand lit de notre petit appartement. Nous avons enfin décidé d’emménager ensemble, après deux ans que nous sommes un couple. Pour la première fois depuis longtemps, je me sens sereine, heureuse. Il est près de moi, ses bras enroulés autour de ma taille, et son souffle contre ma nuque. C’est le paradis. « Pourquoi est-ce que je partirais… j’y suis plutôt bien, et puis tu y es… » Je le sens soupirer dans mon dos, ses doigts font des ronds sur mon ventre dénudé. Il semble préoccupé. Je me retourne pour lui faire face et croise son magnifique regard doré. « Qu’est-ce qu’il y a… » Il prend une mèche de mes cheveux blonds et la passe derrière mon oreille. Son regard est attentionné, amoureux. Il est tellement beau, ainsi. « Tu sais que les employés ne peuvent pas être ensemble. Et… je ne veux pas continuer à faire comme si nous n’existions pas. Parce qu’on est là, et je compte bien que ça continue… » Je rougis malgré moi. C’est la première fois qu’il me dit franchement qu’il tient à moi, qui veut que nous allions quelque part… que ce n’est pas juste une passade. Je m’approche et embrasse délicatement ses lèvres. Ca le fait sourire. « Mais… si je pars de mon boulot de psychologue… qu’est-ce que je ferais, après ? Les entreprises concurrentes ne voudront pas de moi… Je suis tenue au secret professionnel alors elles ne pourront rien tenir venant de moi sur les manies de la boîtes… et pourquoi ça pourrait pas être toi qui partirais… » « Tu pourrais dessiner des livres pour enfants. » Je fronce les sourcils. Il avait sorti ça comme ça, de but en blanc. Je secoue vivement la tête. « Non, je ne peux pas faire ça… mes dessins ne sont pas assez bien. » « Tes dessins sont parfaits. Ca ne te coute rien d’essayer. » Je lève mes yeux vers les siens. Il a l’air sincère. Il a vraiment l’air de croire en moi. C’est vrai que j’ai toujours rêvé de pouvoir faire quelque chose de mes pauvres petits dessins tous droit sortis de je ne sais où dans mon imagination… je n’ai jamais eu le courage. Je ne me suis jamais considérée assez bonne dessinatrice pour oser m’imposer dans le domaine de l’édition pour la jeunesse. Pourtant, son regard, là… il m’inspire une dose de confiance qui pourrait me faire déplacer des montagnes. Réaliser deux rêves : l’un présent en moi depuis l’éternité, dessiner ; l’autre récent mais tout aussi puissant, lui.

     Encore une fois, je me réveille la tête dans les toilettes. Depuis plusieurs semaines, c’est un peu devenu un rituel. Chaque matin, je suis réveillée très tôt et très malade. Je sais ce que j’ai… un petit être grandi en moi. Je ne l’ai pas encore dit au papa. Je ne sais pas comment il va réagir. Mais je dois dire qu’il doit être aveugle s’il ne s’en est pas encore rendu compte. Je ne cherche pas à cacher mes nausées, et puis je suis tout sourire constamment. Je ne peux pas m’en empêcher. Je vais être maman. Je vais avoir un bébé représentant l’amour que je porte à l’homme endormi dans la pièce adjacente, celui qui partage ma vie depuis maintenant trois longues années. Bien que je sois assise sur le carrelage froid, venant d’être prise par d’atroces vomissements, je ne peux m’empêcher de sourire, de penser à notre futur si proche si parfait. Je suis heureuse et amoureuse. Et j’adore ça.
     Après que mes nausées sont passées, je me lève et prend une bonne douche. Lorsque je sors, je vais en peignoir dans la chambre et me trouve devant un lit vide. Il doit être dans la cuisine. Je m’y avance, mais il n’y a personne. Je fais le tour de l’appartement. Il joue à cache-cache, ou quoi. Ça ne m’étonnerait pas vraiment de lui, à vrai dire. « Louis ? » Je commence à l’appeler. De plus en plus fort. Il ne répond pas. Je commence à beaucoup stresser, à m’énerver presque. Je hurle son prénom dans l’appartement. « Louis ! Louis, ce n’est pas drôle ! » Les larmes me montent aux yeux lorsque je retourne dans notre chambre et ouvre le placard. Ses affaires ne sont plus là. Je ne comprends plus rien, pourquoi. Pourquoi est-ce qu’il a pris ses affaires. Pourquoi est-ce qu’il est partis. Larmes dévalant mes joues rouges je retourne dans la cuisine et, posé sur le bar, je remarque un morceau de papier. Je l’attrape tremblante et de la plume de mon ancien amant s’’étalent quatre mots qui finissent de m’achever. Je ne peux plus.
     Je ne hurle même pas. Mes pleurs redoublent d’intensité et je m’écroule au sol, me recroquevillant sur moi-même. Je reste je ne sais pas combien de temps comme ça. Le téléphone sonne plusieurs fois, mais je ne veux pas répondre. Je n’en ai pas la force. C’est vers la fin de la matinée que Levi, mon petit frère me retrouve là. En boule par terre, à moitié nue. « Maelys ! Maelys, regarde-moi ! » Je m’accroche à lui tant bien que mal, tandis qu’il va m’allonger sur le canapé. « Il est parti… il est parti… » Il tente de me calmer. Levi n’aimait pas Louis au début. Je lui avais demandé de faire un effort pour moi, et il l’avait fait. Il avait pris sur lui et avait fini par comprendre qu’il n’était peut-être pas si mal. Surtout lorsque je lui avais dit que j’étais enceinte. Mais là, il doit ruminer de colère. Je l’entends au téléphone avec Daisy. Il doit être en train de cracher toute la haine qu’il a pour Louis. Il doit être en train de se promettre que s’il recroise un jour son chemin, il le tue.

     Je m’attache les cheveux une dernière fois dans cette chambre d’hôpital que j’ai occupé presque deux semaines. Levi et Daisy m’attendent dans le couloir. Je me regarde dans le miroir. J’ai l’air fatigué, mes yeux sont rouges d’avoir trop pleurés… mais je suis heureuse. Oui, je peux le dire. Bien que je vienne de passer ces neuf derniers mois à vivre à nouveau chez mes parents, à vivre cette grossesse seule, je suis heureuse. Bien que je pleure à chaudes larmes plusieurs fois par nuit, je suis heureuse. Ma petite sœur, derrière cette cloison porte dans ses bras la magnifique petite fille qui sera désormais une partie de ma famille. Une énorme partie de ma famille. Violina.
Je sors de la chambre et trouve mon frère complètement gaga devant sa petite nièce. Ca me fait sourire. Je souris de plus en plus. Je me remets, doucement. Je deviens à nouveau l’heureuse femme que j’étais. Même si je continue de penser qu’il me manque un élément. Qu’il me manque le père de ma petite merveille. Elle lui ressemble déjà. Mais je ne la laisserais pas me rappeler qu’il n’ait plus là. Cette frimousse rieuse me rappellera que j’ai réussi à m’en sortir sans lui, que même s’il m’a abandonnée, je ne suis pas une femme faible. « Tu es prête, Mae ? » Je sors de mon état de léthargie à regarder mes trois amours, et sourit. « Oui. Prête. » Pour une nouvelle vie.

all the single lady
ton pseudo : maderose. âge : 20 ans. pays : France. fréquence de connexion : 5-6/7 jours. comment t'es arrivé ici? : j'ai vu la pub pour le scénario de luxette sur facebook !. un commentaire? : KARTOFFELL mes amis MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352 .
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 17:34

I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 989100662 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 989100662 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 989100662 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 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heart 2056804181 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181 I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 989100662 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 989100662 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 989100662 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 989100662 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 989100662 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 989100662 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2341115092 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2341115092 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2341115092 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2341115092 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2341115092 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2341115092 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1524610190 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1524610190 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1524610190 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1524610190 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1524610190 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1524610190 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1524610190 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181 I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2395261302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 989100662 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 989100662 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 989100662 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 989100662 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 989100662 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 989100662 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2341115092 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2341115092 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2341115092 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2341115092 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2341115092 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2341115092 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1524610190 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1524610190 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1524610190 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1524610190 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1524610190 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1524610190 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1524610190 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181

Ahh je t'aime déjà toi !

Bienvenue officiellement et merci encore de tenter Maelys ! MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1448151159
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Katya Connely
Katya Connely
fondatrice + the dark i know well
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≡ arrivée : 14/12/2014
≡ célébrité : Eliza Taylor-Cotter

MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 17:34

Bienvenue et super choix de scénario la belle, je pense que tu fais une heureuse MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3555259597
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Jesse Holloway
Jesse Holloway
admin + are we all lost stars
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 17:40

bienvenue mademoiselle MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 17:41

Jennifer est juste parfaite. MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537
Bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche. I love you
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 17:48

bienvenue I love you
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 18:06

Jennifer et ce scénario I love you
Quels bons choix MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329

Bienvenue sur CCL, mademoiselle MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3367018736 bon courage pour la rédaction de ta fiche et puis au plaisir de découvrir ton interprétation du personnage MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 247030707
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 18:18

Très bon choix de scénario santa
BIENVENUE parmi nous scratch
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 18:42

Hellcome I love you

Bonne continuation pour ta fiche MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1420155966
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 18:54

Bienvenue avec la jolie Jennifer I love you
Très bon choix de scénario MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 4079240578
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 18:58

Bienvenue MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1621262622
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 19:01

Bienvenue sur le fofo !!!!
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 19:19

bienvenuuuuuue MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 586312074 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537
bonne chance pour ta fiche
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 21:11

Merci beaucoup pour l'accueil tout le mooooooooooonde. MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2341115092 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181

Daisy Soeurette chérie MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1621262622
Isaiah T'éloignes pas trop, mon coco. Colifer/Capitaine Swan... Evil or Very Mad
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Katya Connely
Katya Connely
fondatrice + the dark i know well
≡ messages : 452
≡ arrivée : 14/12/2014
≡ célébrité : Eliza Taylor-Cotter

MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 21:14

Maelys Tyrell a écrit:
Merci beaucoup pour l'accueil tout le mooooooooooonde. MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2341115092 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2056804181

Daisy Soeurette chérie MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1621262622
Isaiah T'éloignes pas trop, mon coco. Colifer/Capitaine Swan... Evil or Very Mad
PAS TOUCHE, c'est le futur mien MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1267606302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1267606302 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 1267606302
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Jesse Holloway
Jesse Holloway
admin + are we all lost stars
≡ messages : 2929
≡ arrivée : 19/12/2014
≡ célébrité : bobby morley

MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 21:25

Cat ne panique pas MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2925365648 MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2925365648
tu me zigouilles si je te dis que je n'aime plus le CS ? (J'ai meme arrêté de regarder OUAT) mais on pourra se trouver un petit lien si tu veux I love you
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 21:37

T'inquiète Cat, je ne vais pas te le piquer ton homme ! MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2806664374 Mais j'aime bien le couple Jennifer/Colin. (Pour être franche, Isa, je ne suis qu'à la saison 2 de OUAT, mais j'adore juste ces deux acteurs MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329 Je trouve qu'ils sont mignons ensemble.)
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Jesse Holloway
Jesse Holloway
admin + are we all lost stars
≡ messages : 2929
≡ arrivée : 19/12/2014
≡ célébrité : bobby morley

MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 21:45

Ahhh tu es juste à la s2 je comprends mieux mdr bon je vais me taire alors. Mais moi j'ai été très déçue. Après j'adore Colin mais pas le reste MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2925365648
On se trouvera un petit lien MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537 j'aime bien leur amitié en dehors de la serie
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 22:22

Oui, il parait que ca part en vrille, je sais. Je verrais en y arrivant. MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 2925365648
Mais ouais, un petit lien, ce serait cool. MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 22:24

jennifer + tyrell MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329
bienvenue MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3213263352
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 22:24

Bienvenue parmi nous beauté!
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyLun 29 Déc - 22:31

Merci beaucoup MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyMar 30 Déc - 4:39

trèèès bon choix d'avatar MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537
bienvenue parmi nous I love you MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3079596329
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyMer 31 Déc - 13:34

Bienvenue chez nous =DDD
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart EmptyMer 31 Déc - 13:55

Merci. MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart 3848817537
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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart Empty

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MAELYS ~ i've had enough and it's breaking my heart

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